Ph.D Thesis presented by Dr Kristina Mirkovic at the University of Rouen, France and the University of Milan, Italy, March 15, 2016
Ph.D available here:
"L'Apprentissage du violon à la croisée de l'école rationaliste française et de l'école pragmatiste Suzuki"
Metodo Mirkovic is a worldwide online violin school consisted of:
- PhD research
- 10+ years of teaching
- Family tradition
- Concert activity
- Professional discography production
Available in nine languages, you don't actually wait to learn to play in order to start to play right from the start! The course includes simultaneous reading and execution, all followed by original music arrangements for each exercise.
- Corriere della Sera 17/03/2016
- Corriere della Sera 15/12/2013
- Corriere della Sera 14/02/2017
- Squilibri Publisher
- Ethnomusicological research about Mirkovic family by LEAV (University of Milan)
- Cambridge Scholars
小提琴课, שיעורי כינור, violin course, урок скрипки, clase de violín, バイオリンレッスン, دراسة الكمان, Geigenunterricht, leçons de violon, lezioni violino, online violin school, online violin school milano, corsi di violino