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Violin Lessons Online
About the method
Lesson 199: Pizzicato!
Lesson 071:SHARP MAJOR scales! G MAJOR!
Lesson 060: d minor!
Lesson 059: Flat major scales! F MAJOR!
Lesson 058: What is the minor scale? a minor!
Lesson 057: What do we need the scales for? C MAJOR!
Lesson 040:The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th finger placements!
Lesson 039:Fourth finger : alteration!
Lesson 038:Fourth finger : extra exercise!
Lesson 037:Fourth finger and empty string: intonation!
Lesson 036:The fourth finger: the little finger!
Lesson 035:The finger combination five!
Lesson 034:The finger combination four!
Lesson 033:The finger combination three: the first finger next to the nut!
Lesson 032:Left hand.The finger combiantion two: first and second finger in a half step!
Lesson 031:Left hand finger combinations!
Lesson 030:What is whole tone, half tone? Fingertips attached, fingertips distant!
Lesson 028:Second finger!
Lesson 027:How to synchronize the bow and the left hand fingers?
Lesson 026:Lets play with the first finger!
Lesson 025:How to make the first finger fall on each string?
Lesson 024:How to make the fingers fall on the string?
Lesson 023:Left hand!
Lesson 022:How to make a fluid sound?
Lesson 021:One beat note!
Lesson 020:The triplets!
Lesson 019:The syncopation!
Lesson 018:Dotted quarter note inverted!
Lesson 017:How to play a dotted quarter note?
Lesson 016:How to play four eighth notes legato?
Lesson 015:What is up bow, down bow?
Lesson 014:How to play eighth notes?
Lesson 013:How to play a two beat note?
Lesson 012:How to play a three beat note?
Lesson 011c : Bow switch between the strings, what to avoid!
Lesson 011b : How to switch the bow between the strings - extra!
Lesson 011a : How to switch with the bow between the strings?
Lesson 010d : How to play G string in rhythm?
Lesson 010c : How to play D string in rhythm?
Lesson 010b : How to play E string in rhythm?
Lesson 010a : How to play A string in rhythm?
Lesson 009: How to count the rhythm using the bow? Four beats note! Legato and staccato!
Lesson 008: How to produce a sound?
Lesson 007: Seating position!
Lesson 006: How to make a bow contact with the string?
Lesson 005: How to hold together violin and the bow?
Lesson 004: How to hold but also how to use the bow? More exercise!
Lesson 003: Some exercise for better bow hold!
Lesson 002: How to hold the bow?
Lesson 001: How to hold the violin?
Lesson 196: How to tune the violin?
Lesson 200: The parts of the violin and the bow!